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Counseling & Therapy provides a large and rich collection of video for the study of counseling, social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling. Students and scholars can study, observe, and experience a wide variety of different therapy and counseling methods and approaches as practiced by experts in their field. Counseling & Therapy, from Alexander Street, gives access to more than 1650 videos and 2570+ hours of video content to support the study of Counseling and Therapy.
Browse Counseling & Therapy in Video Titles
Counseling and Therapy in Video provides faculty and students with a first-hand look at the realities of working with clients and the challenges associated with putting theoretical concepts into practice. These collection provide a thorough grounding in dozens of therapeutic methods and diagnoses, insight into the human condition, and training in skills such as reflection and empathy while working with specific populations such as veterans and teens.
Browse the Video Journal of Counseling and Therapy
The Video Journal of Counseling and Therapy provides access to the latest research and best practice methods in the fields of counseling, mental health, and psychology through contemporary presentations, lectures, and workshops from renowned counselors, psychologists, and practitioners.
Browse Diagnosing Mental Disorders: DSM-5™ and ICD-10 Titles
The DSM-5™ and ICD-10 are the required manuals for diagnosing mental illness. The videos in this collection examine various characteristics, diagnoses, co-morbidities, and differential diagnoses using the DSM-5™ and the ICD-10. Each program focuses on a specific disorder and includes dramatic scenarios to demonstrate the disorder and its symptoms.
Browse Health & Society in Video
Health and Society in Video defines and explores today’s latest medical progress in health and wellness issues and their impact on society--with hundreds of premium documentaries, profiles, reports, and interviews.