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Academic Video Online Guide for The Hill School: Anthropology

Guide to content in Alexander Street


Anthropology brings irreplaceable primary source films, which depict the richness of human culture, behavior and diversity around the world, together in one place. It is also a resource for a study of the discipline itself: By placing examples of traditional ethnographic methodologies alongside indigenous-made films representing previously overlooked perspectives, scholars, teachers and students of anthropology can gain a sense of the discipline’s history and of its future direction.

Anthropology, from Alexander Street, gives access to more than 2850 videos and 1920+ hours of video content to support the study of Anthropology.

Anthropology Playlist

Subject Search

Browse Gender Roles Browse Environment and Climate Change
Browse Agriculture, Food and Sustainability Browse Cultural Identity and Cultural Change Browse Music Dance and Art
Browse Economic Systems Browse Migration, Conflict and Resolution Browse Religion and Belief System
Browse Human Rights Browse Language and LInguistics Browse Health
Browse Traditional Knowledge and Ancestral Practices Browse Political Organization and Transformation Browse Ethnographic Methodologies


Archival Collections

Archival Collections: All films in AVON are cross-searchable with related text materials in collections such as Anthropological Fieldwork Online, including the original fieldwork of key foundational anthropologist, Ruth Benedict.


Ruth Benedict made significant contributions to the field in her exploration and examination of the role of individuals in relation to larger societies and cultures, and her integration of analysis of personality and individual agency in cultural description. She published “Patterns of Culture” in 1934, a comparative work that integrated her own research and others. The Ruth Benedict Papers include notes and draft manuscripts from various field expeditions, including trips with the Pima, Serrano and Zuni throughout the 1930s

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